So much has been going on with me. I have missed the internet & all my fellow bloggers dearly. Family stuff, new house stuff, horrible tornado stuff, etc etc... I know I'm not the only one. I see other people having to take a hiatus from the blogging world for various reasons too. Please forgive me :)
I was on my way to see my step-daughter receive her end of the school year academic awards. (She got 4, yay!) I snapped just few pics before I left.
So sleepy... I had just got off work that morning...
I just used my Coastal Scents 88 palette for the eyes & a random blend of things on my lips. Nars Angelika blush.
I've got a few looks I've been waiting to try. I've also put myself on a "no buying makeup until I use some of what I have" lockdown.
What is new with everyone else?